
Hadiza Oluwaseun

How You Can Upgrade Your Skills To Remain Relevant As A Tech/IT Professional

How You Can Upgrade Your Skills To Remain Relevant As A Tech/IT Professional Known Fact: If you don’t update your skills, you will become irrelevant in the industry. In this post, I will be explaining why you need to upgrade your skills as a tech/IT professional as well as how you can do it.  Given the quick pace of technology, it might be challenging for you as a tech experts to upgrade your skills fast enough. But this is something you must do. Especially if you are looking to migrate from your home country to the US or Europe. No country will give you a visa with outdated skills. You are no use to them that way. Why Do You Need To Stay Up To Date With Your Skills? For relevancy and to remain valuable in the industry. Technology is rapidly evolving, and, naturally, skilled technicians and engineers are needed to implement it. If you are not current with skills in your field, you are bound to be irrelevant. You will easily be replaced by people who are deemed more relevant. I imagine what that will do to your income. The reverse is the case when you stay up to date.This is because, at the rate at which technology is evolving, it can be hard to catch up, so there is a skills gap. The few people who take the time to improve and update their skills become widely sought after, and that means HIGHER SALARY.This is not only for job holders. If you are an entrepreneur with outdated skills, you might not understand the market and miss out.Furthermore, if you are someone who is intent on moving abroad with their skills(possibly to the US or Europe), you need to upgrade your skills. It is super important. Nobody will give you a visa if you are not relevant.Even if you are not looking to migrate, staying up to date with your tech skills has its benefits, e.g. high productivity. It’s a confidence booster for sure because as technology advances every day, you are readily prepared.With all that in mind, here are 6 ways you can stay up to date with your skills: Make Time For It Yes, I know you are busy and barely have enough time for yourself. But like I said above, if you don’t remain current in your skills, your relevancy will fade.  So it is crucial to deliberately set aside time for learning alone. You don’t need too much. An hour a day for five days a week means that in a month, you would have spent 20 hours developing your skills! How awesome is that?  Set aside time each day to involve yourself fully in something new. No matter what it is—new software, a development tool, a framework, an operating system—whatever you haven’t done before. Poke around and try to figure out and understand it.  Above all else, this will keep your knowledge current, and your abilities keen, and put you on the cutting edge of what is happening in your portion of the world. 2. Take Advantage Of Social Media And The Internet Twitter is one social media app you should be on. Along with LinkedIn, You can find industry leaders in your field that you can follow and keep up to date with the latest technology. If you are unsure about who to follow and connect with on social media, you can ask your mentors or people you trust in your space.  Additionally, read blogs, subscribe to emails from websites that specialize in technology updates, and if your company purchases analyst reports, use them. You’ll gain knowledge about upcoming trends and technology, as well as an understanding of which ones are most popular in your sector. This way you can pick on what to focus on and not waste time trying to learn everything. 3. Attend Tech Events and Trade Shows Aside from being the biggest source of insights and learning for tech experts, conferences and events are a great way to network and meet other experts in the industry. You can ask pressing questions and get answers. You can learn how people are doing things and solve problems directly from them.The emergence of COVID has made this event better. You don’t have to go in person. You can attend from the comfort of your home or office. Furthermore, you can watch recorded versions if you missed the event.One thing is guaranteed for sure when you attend a conference/event, you will learn something new. 4. Utilize The People In Your Network Talking to people in your network can provide you with a wealth of information that will amaze you. Ask a lot of questions about what they’ve discovered when speaking with friends, coworkers, and subject-matter experts in your network about what they are working on.Another approach to staying in touch with your network is through social media. Join communities on Facebook or LinkedIn dedicated to discussing technology. 5. Experiment With Personal Projects I genuinely believe that trying things out for yourself is usually the best way to learn. In my personal experience, there is no greater way to upgrade your skills than experimenting with a personal project on your own.Try creating a Bitbucket account and using the free private libraries to work on tutorial projects without worrying about having to learn in front of others. You’ll observe that what at first seemed impossible to do becomes understandable after you get the chance to work on side projects for yourself.If you are a programmer, write code for projects that you really like. This will help you maintain your technical skills at the highest level possible. 5. Read, Read, Read It may sound simple, but don’t underestimate the power of reading.One of the best and most effective ways to stay current on the most recent trends and technical skills required is to read technology news and blogs every day.Follow a few bloggers who write on topics related to your field of expertise.You can never

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How to Write a Global Talent Visa Recommendation Letter

How to Write a Global Talent Visa Recommendation Letter If you are applying for the UK Global Talent visa in digital technology, you will need to provide at least three letters of recommendation from established experts in the field. These letters are crucial for demonstrating your exceptional talent or promise, and how you will contribute to the UK tech sector. But how do you write a good recommendation letter?, And who should you ask to write one for you? In this blog post, we will share some tips and best practices for preparing your recommendation letters, based on the official Tech Nation guidelines and our experience as a tech-enabled visa application platform. Who should write your recommendation letter? The first step is to choose your recommenders wisely. They should be senior members of their organizations, such as CEOs, CTOs, founders, directors, professors, or investors. They should also have a proven track record of contributing to the development of the digital technology industry, either in the UK or globally. Most importantly, they should know your work well and be able to vouch for your achievements, skills, and potential. Ideally, they should have known you for at least 12 months, and have worked with you directly or indirectly on projects, events, publications, or awards. You should not ask your colleagues, peers, friends, or family members to write your recommendation letters, as they may not be considered as credible or impartial sources by Tech Nation. What should your recommendation letter include? Each recommendation letter should be 1-3 pages long, and written in English. It should also be issued on the company’s letterhead(if possible), indicating the phone number, address, website, email, and logo of the organization. The letter should be dated and signed by the author, and accompanied by their  LinkedIn profile. The letter should address the following questions: Who is the recommender and what are their achievements? The letter should start with a brief introduction of the recommender, their role, organization, and accomplishments in the digital technology sector. This will help establish their credibility and authority as an expert in the field. How does the recommender know the applicant and why is the applicant a good fit for a Global Talent visa? The letter should explain the nature and duration of the relationship between the recommender and the applicant, and provide specific examples of how the applicant has demonstrated exceptional talent or promise in their field. The letter should also highlight the applicant’s unique strengths, skills, and contributions that make them stand out from their peers. Bear in mind that the duration should be at least 12 month or you have known the author/recommender for at least 12month. What has the applicant achieved in the digital technology sector?  The letter should provide evidence of the applicant’s achievements, such as awards, recognitions, publications, patents, products, services, or innovations that have had a significant impact on the digital technology sector. The letter should also mention any challenges or difficulties that the applicant has overcome or solved in their work.  How will being in the UK help the applicant accomplish even more and how will the applicant contribute to the development of the UK tech sector? The letter should explain the applicant’s goals and plans for working in the UK, and how they will benefit from the opportunities and resources available in the UK tech sector. The letter should also describe how the applicant will add value to the UK tech sector, such as by creating jobs, generating revenue, attracting investment, fostering collaboration, or advancing knowledge. How to format your recommendation letter? To make your recommendation letters more readable and professional, you should follow some basic formatting rules, such as: Use a clear and consistent font, such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and a font size of 11 or 12 points. Use single or 1.5 line spacing, and leave a 1-inch margin on all sides of the page. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content and make it easier to scan. Use bullet points or numbered lists to present multiple items or examples concisely. Use bold, italics, or underlines to emphasize important words or phrases, but do not overuse them. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and avoid slang, jargon, or abbreviations that may confuse the reader. Proofread your letters carefully and ask someone else to review them for clarity, accuracy, and tone. How to submit your recommendation letter? Once you have prepared your recommendation letters, you will need to upload them to your online application form, along with your CV and personal statement. You can upload up to 10 documents in total, each with a maximum size of 3 MB. The accepted file formats are PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, JPG, and PNG. You should name your files clearly and consistently, such as: Recommendation letter 1 – James Chapman – CEO of ABC Ltd Recommendation letter 2 – Precious Baker- Professor of Computer Science at XYZ University. Recommendation letter 3 – Raymond  Pat- Investor at 123 Ventures You should also ensure that your files are not password-protected, encrypted, or corrupted, as this may prevent Tech Nation from accessing them. Conclusion Writing a good recommendation letter for the Global Talent visa can be a challenging task, but it can also be a rewarding one. By following the tips and best practices in this blog post, you can create a strong and convincing letter that showcases your exceptional talent and potential and increases your chances of getting endorsed by Tech Nation. If you need any assistance with your visa application, attend our free open-day session where we get to answer questions about tech visas, click here to Register. We are a tech-enabled pathway to relocation and settlement that helps you to become globally attractive as a tech Talent. We have a team of experts who can guide you through the process, review your documents, and provide feedback, support and grow your career. We hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you

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Product Development Processes You Need To Know

Product Development Processes You Need To Know Product development processes you need to know play a vital role. Product development encompasses all phases of a product’s production and management throughout its existence. The product development process includes the conceptualization, creation of the framework, and end-to-end product design. A variety of management strategies, approaches, procedures, and tools are used in software development to support effective teamwork.  Embracing Smart Product Development: The number of businesses as well as the market for innovative products are both expanding quickly. Small things can make or break the success of a product in today’s fierce market. This compels businesses creating digital gadgets and goods to adopt leaner, more effective, and integrated product development methods. Listed below are a few steps in the product development process that are essential to the creation of new products. Defining The Problem: While creating complicated software, issues arise rather regularly, and the product development team is responsible for finding solutions. In the process of developing new products, challenges must be solved by meticulous analysis, strategic planning, and application of the appropriate modifications. A disjointed product development process would continue to be beset by obstacles. Therefore, a company can benefit from having an effective and skilled product development staff. Validating The Product’s Value: Certain technological advancements in the field of smart gadgets frequently appear unattainable at first. An organization should confirm the project’s viability before committing its resources to it. Proof of concept is the process of determining whether a product is possible and whether the idea would produce the desired result. The proof of concept phase of the product development process occurs relatively early on. The development team would thoroughly assess the project in issue. The team would determine whether to move forward with the project by weighing the costs, the risks, and the likelihood that it will be successful. Improving Security Add-ons: One of the top priorities in a well-thought-out product development process is maintaining software security. Although it should be a priority from the very beginning, many businesses only pay attention to security in the later stages of the product life cycle. It is essential to guarantee a software product’s safety from internet dangers while it is being developed. A skilled and creative product development team would place a high priority on security and apply practical solutions. Continuous Improvement: The software needs ongoing support and maintenance for the duration of its existence in order to make the essential enhancements. The creation of an efficient feedback loop to gather suggestions for upgrades to implement is one of the team’s primary responsibilities. Customers can continuously provide feedback on a product if it has an active feedback loop. As a result, meeting pertaining users is significantly faster for the business. Conclusion: For a company trying to grow its capabilities, it is crucial to have a well-organized and proactive product development team. This would make it easier for the company to identify the problems and come up with IT-oriented solutions. If a company cannot build such resources in-house, they could consider a good outsourcing company with a good product development team. Every company can’t have an in-house team. Outsourced product development services will continue to gain significance in the IT industry in the years to come. To begin a career in product development, join the Bincom Global Tech Programme today!

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